Riverside Suburban Construction

General management plan suburb of Riverside

Frederic Law Olmsted y Calvert Vaux

Riverside Cook County.

Chicago Illinois. 1869
Frederick Law Olmsted would plan this garden suburb outside of Chicago as a sleeping area for the gentry whose work was developed in the central part of the city. Initially connected by tram, allowing its residents live in a rural, wooded next, adapted to the geography and natural vegetation of the place.
Its distinctive curvilinear road design and generous wooded tract model set the pattern for many later developments in suburban America. Your great landscape value has been recognized by its designation as a National Historic Landmark in 1970.

Revisitando Riverside. A descriptive book of the PDF community

County of London Plan

Plan of the proposal for the formation of rings A, Road B and Plan C
Patrick Abercrombie y J.H. Forshaw

London, Great Bretaña.1943

This plan opens the stage where urban planning and extends to the territory begins to be large scale. Hygienist movement would result British and ideas of planners like Ebenezer Howard and Raymond Unwin Abercrombie preceding.
His proposed Green Belt would be designed as a tool to contain urban growth indiscriminate around London, posed the idea of ​​preserving the open land and rural landscapes for agricultural use. At the same time, raise the idea of ​​large road rings around the metropolis as a mechanism to structure and prioritize growth, what would lead external development by calls New Towns.

The city proud, film made for the dissemination of the London County Plan

Iglesia Notre Dame de Ronchamp

Interior of Church

Le Corbusier
Colina de Bourlémont.
It is a work of great poetic expressiveness that Le Corbusier wanted to recreate cun gathering place ,silence,of harmony espiritual. Fully achieves this deeply religious in an interior where the nuances of lights create an intimate,that can not be compared to any modern church,and connects deeply with the constructive tradition of Romanesque and Gothic in his search for interiors full of spiritual.
Photography:Flickr Claude
Le Corbusier in France and Switzerland
Detailed description of the Work
Video tour of the Church

Convento de la Tourette

Interior of Chapel

Le Corbusier

Eveux on l'Arbresle.Lyon.Francia.1960

Built in 1953 by Le Corbusier under the express wishes of the Dominicans, the convent of La Tourette is a masterpiece of architecture and a living witness of the cultural heritage XX.En century countryside, in a small plain near the forest the convent is an austere concrete piece that shows traces of its construction process: Casting joints and texture zimbra. Concrete, industrial material par excellence, acquires an almost artisanal here, proud of its imperfections. Similarly, modulating the set, principle structure observed in the rhythm of their piles, produces complex spaces.

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Housing Unit in Marseille

Main Facade
Le Corbusier
Boulevard Michelet. Marseilles, France. 1952
The Marseilles Housing Unit is one of the iconic projects Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier and a benchmark for modern architecture. He began working in the early 1920 on collective housing based on analysis of urban phenomena and circulation distribution. Since the economic crisis of 1929 the architect focuses its theoretical reflection to the organization of urban concentration Le Corbusier finds inspiration for her housing unit in the early Soviet communal buildings like Narkomfin building in Moscow (1928-1932), he met during his visits to the Soviet Union.
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Carpenter Center for Visual Arts

Facade from the walkway through the building.

Le Corbusier.


Completed in 1963, The Carpenter Center is located at Harvard University, being one of the last buildings built by the great architect. The concrete and glass building is a demonstration of the theories of Le Corbusier and the interpenetration of interior and exterior, where S-shaped ramp up from a street and down to the other. The plot was wedged between neo-Georgian buildings as Le Corbusier inspected it first in 1959 shrugged "saying it was a very small commission for a big country".

Hagen Stieler

Distinguished Guest House

One of the courtyards shaded with vegetation that exist in the complex


Rogelio Zalmonah
Manzanillo Island
Cartagena de Indias. Colombia, 1982

In this wonderful work condenses the style of this master of contemporary architecture Colombian. It poses as a recovery of abandoned ruins on a headland south of the city of Cartagena.
There would be integrated with existing remnants modern construction based on the use of brick and limestone in the area, establishing a set of open covered enclosures and, linked by courtyards, in which it integrates the lush tropical vegetation, near sources and streams that recall the previous Arab colonial architecture.


Master the Borneo Sporenburg

Model of the proposed area's general management


Adriaan Geuze of West8

Puerto Viejo Urban
Ámsterdam. Holland, 1996

The Dutch landscape team Adriaan Geuze win a competition to design a disused part of the Port of Amsterdam. The proposal would build on a Master Plan to be proposed residential occupancy of the longitudinal surface of the two springs involved.
Ordination define a grid of blocks bounded by water and access roads would be structured with low-rise townhouses. The set would add some taller buildings oriented according to the plans and significant landmarks of the city. The neighborhood has been a success by its relative proximity to downtown and the relative quality of developed architectures.
The proposal should highlight the balance between stocking density and adequate supply of public facilities, together with a high quality of urban space generated.


Lednice Castle Greenhouse

The semi iron and glass dome which surrounds the inner space of the greenhouse

Parque Natural Lednice-Valtice

Moravia, Czechoslovakia. 1845

This large park 200 km2, containing several castles, gardens and natural forests, would be made during the nineteenth century by the family Lichtenstein. In 1996 Unesco declared the joint World Heritage. This greenhouse heated steel and glass would be built near the castle of Lednice commissioned by the Duke Alois II.
According to British ideas of John Claudius Loudon, architects define a metal structure made of steel arches in half spheres rematarían autoportantes to support small pieces of glass that make up the enclosure's extraordinary interior garden space.
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P.H. Devien y Georg Wingelmüller

House Curutchet

Exterior view of the house

Le Corbusier.

The Plata.Buenos Aires. Argentina 1949.
It is a house between that integrates context through the existing tree in the courtyard of the ground floor. With an exceptional location, against a wide and green avenue and plaza Forest linked to the city of La Plata, The architect divided the house into two volumes clearly separated: office area to the front and rear housing area, articulated both the yard and the access ramp. This ramp is facing the entrance door, organizing internal circulation in the form of a promenade up.


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