Villa La Rotonda

The access path to the front door of the villa palace

Ágora de Atenas

Andrea Palladio
Riviera Berica, Casa para el Doctor Speth
Veneto. Italy, 1566

Andrea Palladio's Venetian architect has had the greatest influence in the history of architecture. La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes.
_FalaStudio_Kurokawa_Nakagin. La Arquitectura Metabolista japonesa surge a mediados del siglo XX como una utopía tecnológica orientada a pensar las condiciones optimas para el desarrollo futuro del urbanismo y la arquitectura

Photography: Bajo el liderazgo de Kenzo Tange, Flickr


Casa das Canoas

The presence of the natural feature in the area of ​​the house


Oscar Niemeyer
Barra da Tijuca. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 1953

This extraordinary house Niemeyer introduced in a tropical setting Miesian the idea of ​​transparency and integration between interior and exterior.
The carioca architect uses for it the next jungle environment and the place rocks in a voluptuous, establishing a fluid space communication and his personal style characterized by curved surfaces and canopies that protect the intense sunlight.
Photography: Erika Stahlman
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Parque de Buttes Chaumont

The park's central pond with view of the cliff and Sybilla bandstand at its summit


Jean Charles Alphand.

Metro Laumiere. District XIX. Paris, 1867

Baron Haussmann radically transform the city of Paris in his time as Prefect of the city. This resort to numerous public works among which highlights the powerful road remodeling your historic fabric. Also boost some parks like this Buttes Chaumont to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Commissioned al ingeniero paisajista Alphand, be built occupying the grounds of an old disused quarry. The turns of the track design inside, by the formalization of caves and hills, originates beautiful perspectives that mimic the natural and give it a very romantic and picturesque character. Over the years it has become one of the most appreciated by the Parisians.

Cathedral N ª Lady of the Angels

Interior view of the Cathedral

Rafael Moneo
Los Angeles. U.S.. 2002

The proposed fragmented Moneo is a box with a sculptural tower like belfry. where bare concrete walls, painted in tone adobe, are reminiscent of the architecture of the old Spanish missions in California, high ceilings and decorated with tapestries
"I understand light as the star of a space that aims to recover the sense of the transcendent and presented as sense of the sublime. Hence for me the light is the vehicle that will lead us to experience that which we call sacred "Rafael Moneo
Fotografía:Rob Green

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Aula Magna of the Central University of Caracas

The auditorium punctuated by characteristic colors reflectors
Carlos Raúl Villanueva and Alexander Calder

Cover Square Central University
Caracas, Venezuela. 1953

The work of Carlos Raul Villanueva is the immersion of the Venezuelan architecture contemporary trends prevailing in the mid-twentieth century.
The Aula Magna is the most famous building that combines rich functionality and aesthetics constructive expression of wealth enrome intervention supported by the masterful colorists posed reflecting clouds that are inserted into the main interior space.

Photography:, Venezuela

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Bridge House in Mar del Plata

Front view of the house


Amancio Willians

Mar del Plata. Argentina. 1942

The play was directed by architect, being residence of his father Alberto Williams, famous composer argentino.Consiste a rectangular pavilion supported on a concrete arch that crosses a stream on your property existing, that is part of a beautiful park.
The interior of the house was made and mounted on a wood shop, where he was later taken to the site where you arms definitely. Construction develops cutting-edge technological features to cover the stream in the manner of a bridge,where the structure operates as a whole.

Photography: Julio C. Gaeta

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Overview of the house

Forest of Monsters of Bomarzo

View Casa Torcida that exemplifies the imbalance that usually experienced Orsini, its promoter

Pirro Ligorio

Viterbo. Lazio, Italy. 1552

The gardens of Bomarzo, diseñados by Pirro Ligorio for Francesco Orsini, are an extravagant shows how conceiving Italian Renaissance landscape design.
In this fantastic and mysterious secret hiding space semi initiatory, amazing sculptures lie us into a personal universe narrate mythological novel by the Argentine writer Mujica Lainez.
As the inscription of one of his sculptures: you wandering wandering the world looking for great and wonderful wonders come here ...

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Sports Palace in Rome

View from inside

Pier Luigi Nervi
Rome. Italy. 1960
The sports complex built between 1958 and 1960 to host the olympic games 1960. The project consists of a circular building slants around as “And” ending in a reinforced concrete dome,by classical ornaments reminiscent of the Romans and Their ceramics, by the shape of the, could say that its design is based on the Pantheon Romano.
Photography: Elote
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Casa Rachofsky

View from the garden


Richard Meier
Dallas. Texas, U.S.. 1996
The Howard Rachofsky art collector commissioned the instruction of his residence Richard Meier has designed this house as a clean geometric volume that is integrated into the surrounding. Composed of a group of buildings in which, thanks to the play of façades, areas are distinct private and public. Meier has attempted in this house "seek beauty rationally integrating the proportions of all parts of the building, so that each has the right measure and nothing can be added or replaced without destroying the harmony of the whole.

Photography: Tom Jenkins

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Riola Parish Church

View of the interior of the church

Alvar Aalto
Riola of Vergato, Italy. 1978
The Parish Center Riola di Vergato is a synthesis of the Aalto's reasons in the field of religious architecture. The objective was to provide a ratio between the altar, the choir and organ, and the Baptistery.. The asymmetrical dome conveys the light within the ship and spreads only through vertical ribs, asymmetric, create a network of majestic soft light that is projected onto the altar. From the opposite side through a door flowing, entrance wall can be completely open to pedestrian plaza, so it comes to be a greater amplification of liturgical space.

Photography:Franco di Capua

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