A museum of Sverre Fehn

The game of the crystals superimposed on the original factory in Hedmark Museum. Photo: Peter Guthrie

Hammar Hedmark Museum is an exceptional work of Pritzker Prize Norwegian Sverre Fehn is done out of respect to that found. The project involves the recovery of the ruins of an old fortress built by a local bishop in the twelfth century. The new museum addition is inserted into that shell barely touching legacy remains as an outsider who comes to disturb the sleep of an abandoned space for centuries.

It is the architect who explains the deeper reasons for this museum piece. To present their work in 1982 wrote the following in the magazine Byggekunst:

 A museum is the dance of the "dead things" in which the artifact and its relation to human movement is what is important-as opposed to the architecture in which the human being plays the main role is secondary artifact.

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