Le Corbusier Bourlémont.Ronchamp.Francia.1954 Hill Brief Description:It is a work of great poetic expressiveness that Le Corbusier wanted to recreate cun gathering place ,silence,of harmony espiritual. Fully achieves this deeply religious in an interior where the nuances of lights create an intimate,that [More information]
Interior of Chapel
CONVENTO OF TOURETTELe Corbusier Eveux on Arbresle.Lyon.Francia.1960
Built in 1953 by Le Corbusier under the express wishes of the Dominicans, the convent of La Tourette is a masterpiece of architecture and a living witness of the cultural heritage XX.En century countryside, in a small plain [More information]
Main Facade ROOM UNIT IN MARSEILLE Le Corbusier Boulevard Michelet. Marseilles, France. 1952 The Marseilles Housing Unit is one of the iconic projects Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier and a benchmark for modern architecture. He began working in the early 1920 on collective housing based [More information]
Facade from the walkway through the building.
New Museum. Cambridge.Masachussets.USA.1963
Completed in 1963, The Carpenter Center is located at Harvard University, being one of the last buildings built by the great architect. Un interesante libro de Eduardo D [More information]
One of the courtyards shaded with vegetation that exist in the complex
Island Zalmonah Rogelio Cartagena Manzanillo. Colombia, 1982
In this wonderful work condenses the style of this master of contemporary architecture Colombian. It poses as a recovery of abandoned ruins [More information]
Model of the proposed area's general management
Adriaan Geuze and Urban West8 Amsterdam Old Harbour. Holland, 1996 The Dutch landscape team Adriaan Geuze win a competition to design a disused part of the Port of Amsterdam. The proposal [More information]
The semi iron and glass dome that surrounds the interior of the greenhouse LEDNICE CASTLE GREENHOUSE
Parque Natural Lednice-Valtice
Moravia, Czechoslovakia. 1845
This large park 200 km2, containing several castles, gardens and natural forests, would be made during the nineteenth century by the family Lichtenstein. In [More information]
Exterior view of the house
The Plata.Buenos Aires. Argentina 1949. It is a house between that integrates context through the existing tree in the courtyard of the ground floor. With an exceptional location, against a wide and green avenue and plaza [More information]
View from the outside
CATHEDRAL OF SANTA MARIAPier Francisco.California.Estados Luigi NerviSan Unidos.1965 The Cathedral is a feat of structural engineering,where even a single square,the cathedral ceiling rises four parabolic hyperboloid,giving an apparent weightlessness their vertical separation between the ground and lateral spacing between [More information]
Exterior view of the house
CASA REUTTER Mathias Klotz
Reutter Cachagua.Chile.1998 The house is the contemporary version of a cabin in the individual volumes arboles.Consta two airborne,where the largest wood and glass houses comunes.y stays the smallest copper a closed box, enclosing the bedrooms. By [More information]