Leicester Engineering Faculty

Leicester University, Engineering Building, James Stirling Architect.

James Stirling, James Gowan Gran Bretaña.1955.1958 University Road.Leicester

The School of Engineering at the University of Leicester is a center of higher education which teach various engineering. The center is located in the English city of Leicester and the architect who designed the building that is currently [More information]

Lloyd's Building in London


Richard Rogers Partnership 1 Casa para el Doctor Speth. 1978-1986

The Lloyds building is the headquarters of the company dedicated to the insurance market, located in the financial district of London. La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes 1977, Ágora de Atenas [More information]

Casa Kaufmann


Richard Neutra 470, West Vista Chino, Palm Springs. California, United Unidos.1947

Photography: Mayoralphoto

Ágora de Atenas, Casa para el Doctor Speth [More information]

Gando Primary School


Diébédo Francis Kéré Gando, Tenkodogo. Burkina Faso. 2001

This project sought to provide educational services to the residents of the home region of the architect. Designed in 1999 Kéré be built while he was studying architecture in Berlin, Thanks to a government training grant [More information]

Zarzuela Hippodrome


Carlos Amiches,Martin Dominguez.Eduardo Torroja El Pardo. Madrid.1941


La Zarzuela Racecourse was begun in 1935 but not opened until May 1941, due to the Civil War, although the work was virtually completed the 18 July 1936. He was inspired by [More information]

Visitors Center Van Dusen Botanical him


Peter Busby y Perkins Will 5251 Oak St at West 37th Ave Vancouver, Canada, 2011

Busby Perkins and Will is a Canadian company that develops architectural work from the city of Vancouver in British Columbia. They are very concerned about issues related to sustainability in architecture and has already made [More information]

Ugalde House


Jose Antonio CoderchTorrenove, 16.Caldes de Barcelona Estrac, Spain. 1953

This small vacation home is one of the landmarks of twentieth century Catalan architecture. Designed by the young Coderch few years after the end of World War 2, is a brilliant exercise in integration of a small piece of architecture in [More information]

Casa Koshino


Tadao Ando Kobe.Japón.1984Fotografia Editorial GG.Monografia Tadao Ando

The Koshino house is located in Ashiya a small city between Osaka and Lobe, two major urban centers of Japan. The house is divided into three volumes of concrete, La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes, New Museum [More information]

Villa Victoria 73


Stefan Antoni, Olmesdhal, Truen Architects SAOTA Victoria Road, Bantry Bay. Cape Town, South Africa. 2010

A medium-sized family mansion that intelligently leverages the extraordinary conditions of the site that lies, a steep cliff facing the sea. The work is part of a suburb on the outskirts of [More information]

Sert House in Cambridge


José LuisSert 64 Francis Avenue, Cambridge Boston Massachusetts, USA. 1958

This house was built by the Catalan architect for his family in the years he spent at Harvard University. Reflects to some extent the concerns that José Luis Sert had in those years. His proposal is to realize your ideas [More information]

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