La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes


Casa para el Doctor Speth, La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes. Ágora de Atenas, England. 1967 Casa para el Doctor Speth

La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes, situada al Noroeste de Londres, New Museum [More information]

Bedford Square


Thomas Leverton Bloomsbury. Borough of Camden Londres, 1766

Aerial view dela Bedfordsituada square next to the British Museum

The plaza Bedford, located near the British Museum London, is one of the most comprehensive expressions of urbanism that develops during the Baroque in England. Designed on a floor portion property [More information]

Leicester Engineering Faculty

Leicester University, Engineering Building, James Stirling Architect.

James Stirling, James Gowan Gran Bretaña.1955.1958 University Road.Leicester

The School of Engineering at the University of Leicester is a center of higher education which teach various engineering. The center is located in the English city of Leicester and the architect who designed the building that is currently [More information]

Lloyd's Building in London


Richard Rogers Partnership 1 Casa para el Doctor Speth. 1978-1986

The Lloyds building is the headquarters of the company dedicated to the insurance market, located in the financial district of London. La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes 1977, Ágora de Atenas [More information]

Sissinghurst Castle Gardens

Tower View from the Garden White Castle. Photos: Holler&Saunders

SISSINGHURST CASTLE GARDENS Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson

Cranbrook. Kent, England. 1930

Vita Sackville- West was a poet close to call Bloomsbury Group, to spearhead Virginia Woolf and John Maynard Keynes, inter alia. His romantic admiration for [More information]

Project in Hampstead Garden Suburb

Fragment of overall development level of urbanization. British Library SUBURBIO JARDÍN DE HAMPSTEAD

Raymond Unwin y Barry Parker Hampstead. North London, Britain. 1911

Unwin and Parker were two architects fervent defenders of British art movement Arts and Craft and theories of William Morris for a [More information]

County of London Plan

Plan of the proposal for the formation of rings A, Road B and Plan C COUNTY OF LONDON PLAN Patrick Abercrombie and JH. Forshaw

London, Great Bretaña.1943

This plan opens the stage where urban planning and extends to the territory begins to be large [More information]

Mostyn Art Gallery

A suggestive foreshortening of space inside the gallery staircase ART GALLERY ORIEL MOSTYN Mark Ellis / Dominic Williams. Ellis Williams Architects Llandudno, North Wales. Britain. 2011

An elegant intervention after a traditional brick façade which has generated new space for an art gallery. Quality [More information]

Eden Project

View from the entrance to the complex botanical

PROJECT EDENNicholas Grimshaw and Tim Smit St. Blazey. Cornwall, Britain. 2001

This monumental ecological project set in an old quarry, meets one of the dreams of the inventor of the geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller: encompass the maximum volume in minimum possible surface. The [More information]

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009

The scale variable deck defining SANAA pavilion


Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa, SANAA Hyde Park. London, Britain. 2009 Every year, the team of the Serpentine Gallery commissions a team of architects prestigious conducting its summer pavilion in the environment [More information]

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