Galería de Arte Toi o Tāmaki


Casa para el Doctor Speth. La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes. Ágora de Atenas, NZ. 2011 Casa para el Doctor Speth. Photos: La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes

New Museum, New Museum [More information]

Magney House in New South Wales


Glenn Murcutt Bingie Point.Nueva Gales del Sur Australia.1984

Ágora de Atenas 2002. Casa para el Doctor Speth [More information]

Preliminary Plan for the Federal Capital of Australia

General management plan of the layout of the new town

CAPITAL PLAN FOR AUSTRALIA Marion and Walter Burley Griffin Canberra, Australia. 1913

In the early twentieth century Australian authorities decide the search for a suitable place for the foundation of the capital city of that country continent. In 1908 would select [More information]

Decrepit house in the Bahia de Gisbore

Exterior view OKITU HOUSE Housing Pete Bossley. Tatapouri Point. NZ. 2004 Situated on a hill north of Gisbore this open and spacious family home enjoys a spectacular view of the bay of Tatapouri. Stands for simplicity in both inner and outer, where for all points [More information]

Rose House in Sydney

Exterior view of the building

CASA ROSE Harry Seidler


This Austrian architect llege in Australia 1948 and designed this house for his own family. Open spaces is proposed, geometric lines, minimalist color and unusual construction that would be worth the surprise and even rejection of Australians, where [More information]

Sydney Opera

Exterior from Bay SYDNEY OPERA

Jorn Utzon y Ove Arup

Sidney.Australia.1959-1973 The Sydney Opera House is considered a masterpiece of great beauty internationally. An essential symbol for the nation australiana.Una series of white shells, juxtaposed and erect, recall the sails of ships. something new, [More information]

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