Restaurante The Wright

Photos: Peter Aaaron, ESTO

In 2010 se inauguraría el nuevo interiorismo para el bar y restaurante del Museo Guggenheim de Nueva York. Es un brillante trabajo del arquitecto André Kikoski que fue galardonado porla Asociación Americana de Arquitectos en 2012.

Es un trabajo Sutil que establece un Dialogo enriquecedor con el Clasico Edificio the Frank Lloyd Wright 1959. El diseño Inspira and burden geometrías curvas características de la Ultima Etapa del maestro Americano y, at the same time, su Concepcion como espacio dinámico offers you como un Homenaje propionyl Edificio.

Una intervención cuidada que no respeta la Obra preexistente y no renuncia a ofrecer un toque contemporaneidad acorde con la estética del Momento.

Diseño del banco que unifica el espacio interior. Photo : Philip Greenberg

El propionyl arquitecto explica así su intervención:

Para nosotros era a la vez un gran honor y un Desafio estimulante proyectar The Wright, the new restaurant at the Guggenheim Museum – which is the first addition within the landmark building. We have tried to create a contemporary space that complements the original building on a budget.

Our design provides references to the building's architecture without repeating it. In the process, transform the underlying architectural geometries and adding new dynamic spatial effects. As the sculptural forms we proposed creating a vaulted ceiling. Or undulating walls become comfortable seating. The bar also run bows and table space encourages. We think that the game of these forms offers a dynamic experience for visitors.

It is a highly tactile work that relies on developing innovative materials and contemporary. Optical fiber was included on the walnut paneled, bright metal parts made especially for the place, Corian surfaces without board, tissue planes and illuminated textured gray and bright white canopy fabric tensioned membrane. Overall, these materials and the colors are a perfect complement to the artistic piece Gillickque Liam British dela defines the bottom.

Surfaces and textures frame the movement, creating an aesthetic changing layers is brightened with strong and subtle illumination light levels that surround all space. It achieves an elegant and dynamic dining that both celebrates and transcends the museum itself, Some define it as “a jewel in the Guggenheim”.

More Information:
Celebrating Frank Lloyd Wright. We Heart 12/01/2010
Official Site of Andre Kikoski

Sketch and plant equema explaining the general composition

Main access to the site of the restaurant

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