Bowery, 253, NY, U.S., 2007.
Imagen del edificio iluminado
Visitando el New Museum
Por Iris López de Armas
El New Museum de Nueva York constituye un referente en el arte contemporáneo de Nueva York y probablemente del mundo. Su nueva sede, New Museum [More information]
Casa para el Doctor Speth. La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes. Ágora de Atenas, NZ. 2011 Casa para el Doctor Speth. Photos: La nueva ciudad de Milton Keynes
New Museum, New Museum [More information]
Carlo Scarpa Campo di Santa Maria Formosa Castello sestiere, Venice, 1961
Porch of access for visitors who access them with craft. Photos: Christian Beck
This're in one of the works of Scarpa mayor of stylistic value. Fue performed in the last years of professional su trajectory and that concluye [More information]
Sverre Fehn Domkirkeodden. Hamar, Norway. 1988
Opening light outside Hedmark Museum. Photos: Peter Guthrie
It is the restoration of an old piece of vernacular architecture in Scandinavia to introduce and explain the ruins of the building and the Hedmark Cathedral. Concept [More information]
Lina Bo Bardi Avenida Paulista, 1578. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1968
View of the main hall of the museum. Image: Victory&Victory, Flickr
This work, so important in the career of the architect Italo Brazilian, is part of an ambitious program of activation and revitalization of the cultural scene in the Brazilian city of São [More information]
Toyo Ito Jozenji Dori, 2. Sendai. Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. 2000Watery appearance of the interior of the building. Image: Nacasa
The draft Sendai Mediatheque is the result of a major competition, bases which stipulated that the building should house an art gallery, library, center [More information]
Steven Holl Mannerheimitie. Helsinki, Finland. 1998
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, better known as Kiasma, is the result of an international architectural design competition held the year 1992. En un principio, Ágora de Atenas [More information]
Henk Döll y Francine Houben. Mecanoo Architecten Prometheusplein, 1. Christiaan Huygensweg. Delft, Holland. 1995
Delft Technical University is one of the schools leading European university in the fields of engineering and architecture. Its curious library is a building representative of the latest technological advances [More information]
Louis Kahn Camp Bowie Boulevard. Forth Worth, Texas. USA, 1972
Side Porch to the museum. Photos: Xavier Jaureguiberri.
This museum is one of the most interesting works of one of the most gifted architects emerge during the twentieth century. Would originate in the order that the Texan patrons Kay Kimbell [More information]
Jose Antonio Martinez Lapeña and Elias Torres Castelldefels Barcelona. Spain. 1993
In 1993 Lapeña Martinnez architects and Elias Torres started the project to adapt the access to Castelldefels Castle, located on top of a hill about 60 m above the castle that dominates sea.This [More information]
