Casa das Canoas

The presence of the natural feature in the area of ​​the house

CASA Cano Oscar Niemeyer Bar Tijuca. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 1953

This extraordinary house Niemeyer introduced in a tropical setting Miesian the idea of ​​transparency and integration between interior and exterior. Rio architect used for this purpose [More information]

Aula Magna of the Central University of Caracas

The auditorium punctuated by colored reflectors characteristic AULA MAGNA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY Carlos Raúl Villanueva and Alexander Calder

Cover Square Central University Caracas, Venezuela. 1953

The work of Carlos Raul Villanueva is the immersion of the Venezuelan architecture contemporary trends prevailing in the mid XX.El [More information]

Bridge House in Mar del Plata

Front view of the house

BRIDGE HOUSE Amancio Williams

Mar del Plata. Argentina. 1942 The play was directed by architect, New Museum, famous composer argentino.Consiste a rectangular pavilion supported on a concrete arch that crosses a stream on your property existing, Un interesante libro de Eduardo D [More information]

Museo Rufino Tamayo

Space main access to facilities RUFINO TAMAYO MUSEUM Museum Teodoro González de León and Abraham Zabludowsky Chapultepec. Mexico D.F:, Mexico. 1981 Zabludowsky González de León and two Mexican architects represent a position Jan monumental contemporary architecture of that country. His works attempt to establish a connection with [More information]

Bank of London and South America

The main atrium roof building access. Photos: Cellini Francisco BANK OF LONDON AND SOUTH AMERICA

Clorindo Testa

Reconquest, 101. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1966

This administrative building in the heart of Buenos Aires is part in the mainstream Brutalist clearly that define a part of the architecture of [More information]

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