France (1905-1985)
Architect graduated from the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris in 1929.
Begin his career in the study of Auguste Perret. After World War 2 would be appointed Director of Planning Services of the French Protectorate in Morocco.
Author of numerous plans of expansion and settlement in cities like Damascus, Beirut and Casablanca.
Michel Ecochard in Transcultural Modernism
Pierre Bourdieu
Denguin, France (1930-2002)
Sociologist graduate of the Ecole Normale in Paris Supérieurede 1954
Former Director of the Center for European Sociology
Pierre Bourdieu Blog
Milton, Massachusetts, U.S. (1895-1983)
Scientific Design. Research to improve human habitation. Engineer creator of geodesic structures
Harvard Charles Elliot Norton Professorship. World Fellow in residence, University of Pennsylvania
Buckminster Fuller Institute
Chicago, USA (1943)
Sociologist degree from Harvard University in 1969
Honorary Fellow, Royal Institute of British Architects, 2009
He is currently Professor of Humanities dela New York University
Home Page Richard Sennett
Barcelona, 1937
Economist por la London School of Economics
Ph.D. in Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore in 1967
He is currently Professor of Political Science at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.
Director Social Observatory of Spain
Ivrea, Piedmont. Italy (1901-1960)
Writer, politician and businessman.
Promoter of the company that bears his name. Impeller industrial design and modern architecture in Italy
Olivetti Foundation Homepage